Zaïre (D.R Congo)

African Sun Music - A.S.M 001
P. 1987

Le Grand Maitre Franco


Le Grand Maitre Franco Interpelle La Societe Dans "Attention Na Sida [Franco S'Insurge Contre… Le Sida]

A-01 Attention Na Sida (Franco Luambo) [x] (x) [x] 16:40 x Franco & Victoria et al. [x]
B-01 Mpo Na Nini Kaka Ngai? [x] (Lola Checain) [x] 10:19 Franco & T.P. OK Jazz [x]
B-02 Na Poni Kaka Yo Mayi Zo [x] (Milanda Baram) [x] 9:22 Franco & T.P. OK Jazz [x]

LP total time: 00:00

LP backside

Comment: I can highly recommend the book: "Congo Colossus" by Graeme Ewens where you can find the full translation into english pp. 266-269 ./LF2005.09.08

mailto:disco at bolingo dot org